1.范文芳漂亮,比刘玉玲养眼很多 2.甄子丹的反派还是很帅,折腰1V1结缘就是最后居然…… 3.好于第一部,现在看,成龙当年在好莱坞拍的几部电影都非常好 4.不知道为什么没接着拍,否则不次于尖峰时刻 5.又有福尔摩斯又有查理卓别林的,热闹 6.反派死于自大
I have this fantasy.That even when I’m older,I want lie under the tree like this with my partner,and we’ll just take a moment to appreciate this beauty.And even though we’re old and it’s getting harder to move and lying under the tree really hurt our backs,we are still grateful because we have each other.